Clinical Trial

Showing results 11 - 20 of 70

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A phase III, multicenter, randomized study of olvimulogene nanivacirepvec followed by platinum-doublet chemotherapy and bevacizumab compared with platinum-doublet chemotherapy and bevacizumab in women with platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer
Robert W Holloway, Premal Thaker, Alberto A Mendivil, Sarfraz Ahmad, Ahmed N Al-Niaimi, James Barter, Tiffany Beck, Setsuko K Chambers, Robert L Coleman, Sarah M Crafton, Erin Crane, Ramez Eskander, Sharad Ghamande, Whitney Graybill, Thomas HerzogSee the full list of authors

4 September 2023

TUBectomy with delayed oophorectomy as an alternative to risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in high-risk women to assess the safety of prevention: the TUBA-WISP II study protocol
Miranda P Steenbeek, Majke H D van Bommel, Joanna intHout, Christine B Peterson, Michiel Simons, Kit C B Roes, Marleen Kets, Barbara M Norquist, Elizabeth M Swisher, Rosella P M G Hermens, the TUBA-WISP II consortium, Karen H Lu, Joanne A de Hullu, the TUBA-WISP II consortium, Johan BultenSee the full list of authors

12 April 2023