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Advanced cervical carcinoma associated with pregnancy
  1. J. NEVIN,
  2. R. SOETERS,
  3. K. DEHAECK,
  4. B. BLOCH and
  5. L. VAN WYK
  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cape Town Medical School, Anzio Road, Observatory 7925, South Africa
  1. Address for correspondence: James Nevin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cape Medical School, Anzio Road, Observatory 7925, South Africa.


Sixty-two patients with frankly invasive (FIGO stages IB–IV) cervical carcinoma were diagnosed during pregnancy or within the first post-partum year. Thirty four (54.8%) had advanced disease (stages IIB–IV), a proportion higher than reported in comparable studies. This group was studied and compared with a control group of patients with advanced cervical cancer not associated with pregnancy. ‘Pregnant’ patients were significantly younger but overall treatment modalities and survival were no different. Mode of delivery (vaginal vs. abdominal) did not influence the survival of study patients. Although not significant, there was a worse outcome for patients diagnosed antenatally (as opposed to post-partum). These results are pertinent to the management of advanced cervical carcinoma associated with pregnancy.

  • advanced carcinoma
  • cervix
  • pregnancy

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