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Effective weekly docetaxel for recurrent ovarian cancer: A case report
  1. S. Komiyama,
  2. Y. Mizusawa,
  3. M. Onouchi,
  4. K. Takehara,
  5. A. Suzuki and
  6. M. Mikami
  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Saitama Hospital, Saitama, Japan
  1. Correspondence and reprint request to: Shin-ichi Komiyama, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Saitama Hospital, 2-1 Suwa, Wako-shi, 351-0102 Saitama, Japan. Email: komiyama{at}


We experienced a case of recurrent ovarian cancer that responded to weekly docetaxel. The patient had stage IIIC ovarian cancer (poorly differentiated serous adenocarcinoma). After initial remission was achieved by chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin plus cytoreductive surgery, the disease recurred and irinotecan therapy achieved temporary remission. During maintenance therapy with oral etoposide, the disease recurred again. We then tried five courses of weekly docetaxel therapy and it successfully controlled the disease. The progression-free survival time on weekly docetaxel treatment is now 7 months and the toxicity was extremely low. This patient demonstrates the effectiveness of weekly docetaxel as salvage chemotherapy for recurrent ovarian cancer.

  • chemotherapy
  • recurrent ovarian cancer
  • weekly docetaxel

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