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1171 Debulking surgery for treatment advanced-stage ovarian cancer with HIPEC compared with debulking surgery without HIPEC, short-term outcomes
  1. N Tarasov,
  2. R Faiskhanova,
  3. A Fatikhova,
  4. R Bainazarov,
  5. E Gantseva and
  6. V Pushkarev
  1. Republican Oncology Dispensary, Gynecological oncology department, Ufa, Russian Federation


Introduction/Background*The gold standart of advanced-stage ovarian cancer treatment is debulking surgery and systematic chemotherapy. However, alternative ways of drug delivery are exist and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) is one of such methods.

Since June 2020 we have started to perform these procedures In Republican Oncology Clinic, Ufa, Russian Federation for the purpose of upgrade the medical care for women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer.

Result(s)*Eighteen cytoreduction procedures were made from June 2020 through May 2021 and HIPEC was considered at the time of debulking surgery in six cases. There were four patients with stage 3B and fourteen with 3C. The mean time of procedure was 570 minutes in debulking surgery plus HIPEC group and 387 minutes in the group of debulking surgery only. The median postoperative hospital stay was 25 days in the group with HIPEC and 11 days in the group without HIPEC. It was performed 12 optimal debulking procedures with the completeness of cytoreduction score (CC) – 1, and 6 complete debulking procedures CC – 0. The average score of peritoneal carcinomatosis index was 15,6. The percentage of patients who had adverse events of grade 3 or 4 in surgery with HIPEC group was 33%, and in surgery group – 22%. Out of 100% adverse events of grade 3 or 4, 60% complications were in the surgery with HIPEC group.

Conclusion*Overall, our data shows that addition HIPEC to the debulking procedure extends mean time of procedure, postoperative hospital stay and increases risk of adverse events grade 3 or 4.

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