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43 Implementation, practise and experiences of an international online multidisciplinary tumour board (IMDTB) with a cancer centre in northwest region of cameroon
  1. Sebastian Hentsch1,
  2. Kouya Francine Tchintseme2,
  3. Azeh Ivo3,
  4. Buecker Rebecca4,
  5. Henze Larissa5,
  6. Baiyee Toegel Emily6,
  7. Bardin Richard7,
  8. Ngassam Ketchatcham Anny Nadège8,
  9. Okonkwo Ernest9 and
  10. Tung Zanzem Atem10
  1. 1Städtisches Klinikum Solingen gGmbH; Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics
  2. 2Mbingo Baptist Hospital; Dept. of Medical Oncology; Pmb 42, Bamenda
  3. 3Oncology Day Clinic; Dres. Schardt and Azeh
  4. 4Klinikum Lippe Gmbh; Dept. of Radiotherapy
  5. 5Rostock University Medical Center; Dept. of Medicine, Clinic III, Oncology
  6. 6Cypress Hematology and Oncology; Suite 240
  7. 7Mbingo Baptist Hospital; Dept. of Pathology; Pmb 42, Bamenda
  8. 8Bethesda Hospital Yaoundé; Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery and Human Reproductive Teaching
  9. 9St. Josefs Klinik; Dept. of Radio Oncology
  10. 10Zentrum für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie


Introduction/Background Multidisciplinary tumour boards (MDTBs) are universally recommended. Nevertheless access to MDTBs, especially in low-income countries and rural areas, is limited. In order to gain insight in its efficiency and in its impact on quality of cancer care this study has been performed on the international multidisciplinary (video-) online tumour board (iMDTB) established by Camfomedics e.V. and its partners Mephida e.V. and Global Health Catalyst Summit @ Harvard with a cancer centre in northwest region of Cameroon, the Mbingo Baptist Hospital.

Methodology Patient’s data of all cases of 2019 of the Camfomedics-iMDTB have been collected and evaluated in regard of disease, age, sex, stage, recommendation and level of available care.

Furthermore an online survey among participants of the Camfomedics-iMDTB on their practises, experiences and satisfaction with the iMDTB has been undertaken.

Results International multidisciplinary tumour board was scheduled monthly with online video meeting times of 60 to 90 mins. In 2019 during 12 meetings 95 tumour cases had been discussed. The majority of patients (75%) were female. 24% of all tumour cases were breast cancer followed by cervical cancer with 10%. Remarkably anorectal carcinomas and sarcomas occurred with a percentage of 7–8% each. Furthermore three women out of 72 suffered from high risk trophoblastic tumours.

66% of cases could be presented with a proper TNM-classification. More than half of these patients were already in a late stage of their disease (extended, metastatic or high risk). Pathology results were limited to microscopy for most cases. Additional diagnostics (such as hormone receptor status, HER2neu status) were available only in a minority of the cases. Treatment plans had been changed in up to 50% of cases.

The tumour board members describe their experience with the online conferences, data and documentation quality as satisfactory.

Conclusion The iMDTB of Camfomedics is a helpful and effective way to improve cancer care in low income countries and rural areas such as the northwest region of Cameroon. The tumour board’s success very much depends on the charitable attendance of its specialists and the local (human) resources for time consuming preparation. Main challenges remain foremost the patients’ ability to afford expensive cancer diagnostics and therapies, local availability of medical, surgical and radiological treatment as well as a stable online video connection. The iMDTB has a significant impact not only on multidisciplinarity of cancer management in the cooperating institutions but also on social values and education of the participants.

Disclosures None.

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