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1168 Digital health-related app supporting patients with gynaecological malignancies: results of a feasibility trial
  1. J Wolff,
  2. J Stupin and
  3. J Sehouli
  1. Charité Campus Virchow Clinic, Frauenklinik, gynäkologische Onkologie, Berlin, Germany


Introduction/Background*To investigate the feasibility and acceptance of the Mika health app by patients with cancer.

Methodology Prospective intra-individually controlled pilot study. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either digital psycho-oncological support in the form of the app or standard care.

Result(s)*A total of 70 patients were included, one-third of whom had high levels of psychological distress. Relative to the baseline during the 12-week period, the mean depression score decreased in the intervention group (p = 0.00078 one-tailed, p = 0.0016 two-tailed), without any changes in the control group. The most prevalent disease-specific side effect was fatigue, which decreased by 23.1% in the intervention group and by 31.1% in the chemotherapy subgroup (p = 0.02).

Conclusion*The digital app showed high acceptance and satisfaction among patients with gynaecological malignancies, regardless of age group.

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