Miofibroblastoma mamario en paciente posmenopáusica

VG Pineda, AEC Cuetos, MDR Garnica… - Progresos de Obstetricia …, 2014 - Elsevier
Breast myofibroblastoma usually develops in postmenopausal patients and is a unilateral,
painless and mobile tumor. Growth is slow and, unlike the case presented here, the margins …

2022-RA-849-ESGO Survival differences among surgical approach in endometrial cancer

MDR Garnica, EL Gónzalez, LF Muñoz, RG Berrio… - 2022 - ijgc.bmj.com
Introduction/Background The aim of this study is to compare disease-free survival (DFS) and
overall survival (OS) in patients with endometrial cancer according to the surgical approach …

2022-RA-839-ESGO Recurrence of endometrial carcinoma: diagnosis in asymptomatic phase compared with symptomatic recurrence. Does it have any impact?

MDR Garnica, EL Gónzalez, RG Berrio, LF Muñoz… - 2022 - ijgc.bmj.com
Introduction/Background To compare the evolution of patients with recurrence of
endometrial cancer according to the diagnosis of recurrence and assess if the diagnosis in …

2022-RA-656-ESGO H-SIL in young patients

EL González, CC Apolo, MDR Garnica - 2022 - ijgc.bmj.com
Introduction/Background H-SIL in patients under 30 is increasing in recent years, and its
management is sometimes controversial. Methodology Retrospective descriptive study that …

2022-RA-611-ESGO The persistence of VPH

EL González, CC Apolo, MDR Garnica - 2022 - ijgc.bmj.com
Introduction/Background The persistence of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) after
conization is considered a risk factor for recurrence and/or progression of the lesion …

Endometriosis vesical aislada recidivante con repercusión renal

VG Pineda, CDV Corredor, MDR Garnica… - Progresos de Obstetricia …, 2013 - Elsevier
Isolated bladder endometriosis is very uncommon. A finding of secondary hydronephrosis
has barely been described in the literature. The most common symptom is urethral …

2022-RA-655-ESGO Involvement of the margins after excisional treatment

EL González, CC Apolo, MDR Garnica - 2022 - ijgc.bmj.com
Introduction/Background The importance of the affected margins after conization continues
to be a source of controversy today, since there are studies that defend that these could be …

Rotura de cuerno uterino rudimentario en gestación de 22 semanas. A propósito de un caso y revisión de la literatura

MDR Garnica, LF Muñoz, SO Tejada, VG Pineda… - Progresos de Obstetricia …, 2014 - Elsevier
El útero unicorne con cuerno rudimentario es una anomalía mulleriana rara con una alta
incidencia de complicaciones obstétricas que afecta al 4, 5% de las mujeres. La gestación …

Recidiva del cáncer de endometrio análisis del valor de las pruebas diagnósticas y estrategias de seguimiento

MD Rodríguez Garnica - 2023 - ebuah.uah.es
Para el seguimiento de las pacientes tratadas de cáncer de endometrio existen un
seguimiento. intensivo con pruebas complementarias incluidas en el seguimiento y otro tipo …

[CITATION][C] Endometrial Cancer Review in Our Communit Hospital: From 1996 to 2012

MDR Garnica - 2013 - éditeur inconnu