Table 3

Post-recurrence survivors

StageAdjuvant treatmentTime to recurrence (months)Site of recurrenceTreatment for recurrencePost-recurrence survival (months)Disease status
1IAObservation45Groin, pelvic and PA LNchemotherapy1.1AWD
2IAObservation48.6Pelvic massSX, chemotherapy125.6 PDF*
3ICRT91PA LNRT, chemotherapy90.5 PDF
4ICRT16Pelvic massSX34.1 PDF
5ICObservation24Pelvic massSX+RT5.4NED
6IICChemotherapy +RT21.6Lung nodulesClinical trial29AWD
7ICObservation30.5PA LNObservation†30AWD
8ICObservation21.8Pelvic massSX66.5 PDF
9IAObservation2.1‡Diffuse abdopelvic carcinomatosis intra-abdominal masses and cardiophrenic LNChemotherapy96.8 PDF
10IIChemotherapy24.6Pelvic massRT42.9 PDF
11IIIChemotherapy24.9Pelvic, PA and mediastinal LNClinical trial1.8AWD
12IAChemotherapy82PA LNSX5.4AWD
13ICChemotherapy31.6Pelvic and PA LNChemotherapy29.1AWD
  • NOT included in the table: two patients who were discharged to hospice and one patient who was lost to follow-up after recurrence.

  • *Died of stroke 10 years after recurrence, no evidence of disease.

  • †The patient refused treatment, the PA mass is slowly growing and monitored by imaging, with no signs of other disease sites.

  • ‡Recurrence ascites was sent for cytology at time of recurrence, and reported as adenocarcinoma.

  • AWD, alive with disease; LN, lymph nodes;NED, no evidence of disease; PA, para-aortic; PDF, prolonged disease-free survival post-recurrence (no evidence of disease >30 months after recurrence); RT, radiation; SX, surgery.