Table 2

Factors related to 92 cases of postoperative lower extremity lymphedema in 249 patients who underwent surgical treatment including lymphadenectomy.

VariableN=92χ2 test P valueOR (95% CI)
Age (years) (n (%))
 ≥65 years42 (34.7)0.477
 <65 years50 (39.1)
Body mass index (kg/m2) (n (%))
 ≥3044 (46.3)0.0231.763 (0.903 to 3.442)
 <3048 (31.2)
Comorbidities (n (%))
 Any74 (80.4)0.0061.813 (0.824 to 3.991)
 None18 (19.6)
FIGO stage (n (%))
 ≥II18 (75.0)<0.0015.226 (0.427 to 64.031)
 I74 (32.9)
Tumor grade (n (%))
 G328 (30.4)0.0441.429 (0.587 to 3.477)
 G1–G264 (69.6)
Tumor histology (n (%))
 Adenocarcinoma70 (76.9)0.0371.925 (0.639 to 5.799)
 Not adenocarcinoma21 (23.1)
Myometrial invasion (n (%))
 ≥50%32 (34.8)0.0031.455 (0.632 to 3.349)
 <50%60 (65.2)
Surgical approach (n (%))
 VLS40 (43.5)0.741
 LPT52 (56.5)
Harvested pelvic and aortic lymph nodes (n (%))
 ≥154 (11.8)0.0012.273 (0.773 to 6.684)
 <1588 (40.9)
Para-aortic lymphadenectomy (n (%))
 Yes38 (41.3)<0.0012.764 (1.023 to 7.470)
 No54 (58.7)
Positive lymph nodes (n (%))
 Any74 (32.3)<0.00119.391 (1.486 to 253.0)
 No18 (90.0)
Removal of CINDEIN (n (%))
 Yes5 (13.9)0.0022.461 (0.867 to 6.984)
 No87 (40.8)
Topical procoagulants (n (%))
 Any64 (69.6)0.0011.789 (0.937 to 3.415)
 No28 (30.4)
Hemovac drainage (n (%))
 No92 (100)
Adjuvant radiotherapy (n (%))
 Yes56 (53.3)<0.0012.733 (1.149 to 6.505)
 No36 (25.0)
Adjuvant chemotherapy (n (%))
 Yes29 (69.0)<0.0012.364 (0.656 to 8.524)
 No63 (30.4)
  • Multivariated odds ratios (OR) were calculated with their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) through logistic regression analysis.

  • CINDEIN, circumflex iliac nodes distal to the external iliacnodes; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; LPT, laparotomy.