Table 2

Anticipated and reported operative difficulty scores

VariableMeanMedianRangeIQRCases (n, %)
Surgeon 1*11 (14%)
 AOD score4.143–54–4.5
 ROD score2.62.81–41.8–3.6
Surgeon 2 31 (39%)
 AOD score4.651–74–6
 ROD score4.14.31.3–6.43.1–5.2
Surgeon 3 25 (32%)
 AOD score4.342–73–5
 ROD score3.641–5.72–5
Surgeon 4§ 12 (15%)
 AOD score5.151–65–6
 ROD score4.14.41.8–5.44–4.5
Cohort79 (100%)
 AOD score4.552–74–5
 ROD score3.84.21–6.42.8–4.8
  • Anticipated operative difficulty and reported operative difficulty scores were reported on a range of 1 to 7, with higher scores representing greater than typical degrees of difficulty.

  • *AA

  • †DK

  • ‡LB

  • §SR

  • AOD, Anticipated operative difficulty; IQR, Interquartile Range; ROD, Reported Operative Difficulty.