Table 3

Diagnostic performance of transrectal ultrasonography to detect pelvic node metastases separately in early and locally advanced stages of cervical cancer evaluated per patient

Detection of pelvic node macrometastases only
Early stages (n=267)
11 patients with macrometastases
Locally advanced stages (n=123)
43 patients with macrometastases
Results95% CIResults95% CI
Sensitivity18.2%0.0% to 41.0%86.0%75.7% to 96.4%
Specificity98.4%96.9% to 100.0%80.0%71.2% to 88.8%
PPV33.3%0.0% to 71.1%69.8%57.5% to 82.2%
NPV96.6%94.3% to 98.8%91.4%84.9% to 98.0%
ACC95.1%92.5% to 97.7%82.1%75.3% to 88.9%
AUC0.5830.391 to 0.7760.8300.751 to 0.909
DOR14.02.3 to 86.724.78.9 to 68.5
Detection of pelvic node macrometastases and/or micrometastases (pN1)
Early stages (n=267)
21 patients with pN1
Locally advanced stages (n=123)
54 patients with pN1
Results95% CIResults95% CI
Sensitivity9.5%0.0% to 22.1%70.4%58.2% to 82.5%
Specificity98.4%96.8% to 100.0%78.3%68.5% to 88.0%
PPV33.3%0.0% to 71.1%71.7%59.6% to 83.8%
NPV92.7%89.6% to 95.9%77.1%67.3% to 87.0%
ACC91.4%88.0% to 94.8%74.8%67.1% to 82.5%
AUC0.5390.404 to 0.6750.7430.652 to 0.834
DOR6.41.1 to to 19.4
  • ACC, accuracy; AUC, area under curve; DOR, diagnostic OR ; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.