Table 4

Sentinel lymph node detection rates, histopathological findings, and anatomical localizations

VariablesN (%)
Patients who underwent SLN assessment 268
Overall detection rate*255 (95.1)
Successful bilateral mapping225 (84.0)
Bilateral mapping failure13 (4.9)
Anatomical localization
Right hemipelvis
 External iliac vessels/obturatory vessels223 (94.5)
 Common/internal iliac vessels13 (5.5)
Left hemipelvis
 External iliac vessels/obturatory vessels241 (98.4)
 Common/internal iliac vessels4 (1.6)
Endometrial cancer patients and SLN assessment 163
Overall detection rate*157 (96.3)
Successful bilateral mapping136 (83.4)
Bilateral mapping failure6 (3.7)
Patients with lymph node metastasis†12 (7.6)‡
SLN histological status
 Negative145 (92.4)
 Positive12 (7.6)
Positive SLN histology
 ITC1 (8.3)
 Micrometastasis9 (75.0)
 Macrometastasis2 (16.7)
  • Values shown as n (%) unless stated otherwise.

  • *Detection of at least one SLN.

  • †Rates calculated in patients with at least monolateral mapping (n=157).

  • ‡One patient reported a positive pelvic sentinel lymph node and a metastatic bulky para-aortic lymph node. ITCs were not considered among metastatic lymph nodes.

  • ITC, isolated tumor cells; SLN, sentinel lymph node.