Table 5

Overview of the complications of at least grade 2 in cohort 1 according to contracted Accordion classification

GradePre-ERASPost-ERASP value
Gastrointestinal complications≥28 (3%)11 (6%)0.25
Genitourinary complications≥203 (2%)0.088
Urinary tract infection≥219 (8%)16 (8%)1.0
Infection*≥228 (12%)26 (13%)0.86
Skin/wound complications≥218 (7%)10 (5%)0.43
Anemia≥246 (19%)37 (19%)1.0
Cardiovascular complications≥26 (2%)8 (4%)0.41
Respiratory complications≥27 (3%)15 (8%)0.028
Neurological complications≥201 (1%)0.31
Metabolic complications≥22 (1%)1 (1%)1.0
Other≥220 (8%)18 (9%)0.74
  • *Including urinary tract infection, excluding skin/wound infections.

  • ERAS, enhanced recovery after surgery.