Table 1

Patient and disease characteristics at baseline for all patients and by time of diagnosis (period I and period II)

CharacteristicsAll patientsPatients diagnosed in period I*Patients diagnosed in period II*P value
N % N % N %
Age at diagnosis, median (IQR)67.0 (59.0–73.0)67.0 (59.0–72.0)66.0 (59.0–73.0)0.973
BMI at diagnosis, kg/m2 0.298
 ≥18.5 and ≤24.910843.27745.03139.2
 ≥25.0 and ≤29.98132.45331.02835.4
Country of birth (self-reported)0.877
 The Netherlands19276.813377.85974.7
Educational level† (self-reported)0.049
Parity at diagnosis (self-reported)0.595
Smoking status at diagnosis (self-reported)0.983
 Never smoker10040.06940.43139.2
 Former smoker8634.45833.92835.4
 Current smoker218.4158.867.6
Family history of cancer at diagnosis (self-reported)0.914
WHO performance status at diagnosis0.478
Frailty at diagnosis (GFI)0.890
 <4 (non-frail)11445.67644.43848.1
 ≥4 (frail)4718.83319.31417.7
Histology at diagnosis0.352
 High-grade serous17369.212170.85265.8
 Low-grade serous83.263.522.5
 Clear cell239.2148.2911.4
 Adenocarcinoma NOS52.052.9
FIGO stage at diagnosis0.976
  • *Period I: January 1, 2016 until July 1, 2018. Period II: July 1, 2018 until January 1, 2020.

  • †Educational levels were defined as follows: low=primary or secondary education or less; medium=vocational education; high=university or higher education.

  • BMI, body mass index; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; GFI, Groningen Frailty Index; IQR, Interquartile range; NOS, not otherwise specified.