Table 4

Patient and disease characteristics at baseline for all patients and by testing status (tested and untested)

CharacteristicsAll patientsTestedUntestedP value

N % N % N %
Age at diagnosis, median (IQR)67.0 (59.0–73.0)66.0 (59.0–72.0)70.0 (61.3–75.0)0.023
Year of diagnosis0.497
BMI at diagnosis, kg/m2 0.534
 ≥18.5 and ≤24.910843.28642.82143.8
 ≥25.0 and ≤29.98132.46532.31633.3
Country of birth (self-reported)0.770
 The Netherlands19276.815476.63879.2
Educational level* (self-reported)0.399
Parity at diagnosis (self-reported)0.164
Smoking status Former smoker row 70 Tested, 15 Not tested but Total = 86 diagnosis (self-reported)0.882
 Never smoker10040.07939.32143.8
 Former smoker8634.47034.81531.3
 Current smoker218.4189.036.3
Family history of cancer at diagnosis (self-reported)0.485
WHO performance status at diagnosis0.217
Frailty at diagnosis (GFI)0.533
 <4 (non-frail)11445.69145.32347.9
 ≥4 (frail)4718.83617.91122.9
Histology at diagnosis<0.001
 High-grade serous17369.215074.62245.8
 Non-high-grade serous7228.84823.92450.0
 Adenocarcinoma NOS52.031.524.2
FIGO stage at diagnosis0.018
  • One patient who rejected germline test was not included in analysis by testing status.

  • *Educational levels were defined as follows: low=primary or secondary education or less, medium=vocational education, high=university or higher education.

  • BMI, body mass index; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; GFI, Groningen Frailty Index; IQR, Interquartile range; NOS, not otherwise specified.