Table 1

Clinical characteristics of 886 women with vulvar cancer overall and according to frailty, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, 2014–2020

Overall (n=886)N (%)P value
Non-frail (n=669)Frail (n=217)
Age ≥65 years513 (57.9)361 (54.0)152 (70.1)<0.0001
 Non-Hispanic White624 (70.4)473 (70.7)151 (69.6)
 Non-Hispanic Black44 (5.0)31 (4.6)13 (6.0)
 Hispanic37 (4.2)24 (3.6)13 (6.0)
 Other23 (2.6)14 (2.1)9 (4.2)
 Unknown158 (17.8)127 (19.0)31 (14.3)
 0310 (35.0)310 (46.3)0 (0.0)
 1359 (40.5)359 (53.7)0 (0.0)
 2188 (21.2)0 (0.0)188 (86.6)
 328 (3.2)0 (0.0)28 (12.9)
 41 (0.1)0 (0.0)1 (0.5)
 50 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Body mass index (kg/m2)<0.0001
 <30441 (49.8)365 (54.6)76 (35.0)
 30–39.9322 (36.3)231 (34.5)91 (41.9)
 ≥40116 (13.1)68 (10.2)48 (22.1)
 Unknown7 (0.8)5 (0.8)2 (0.9)
Surgery type0.83
 Radical vulvectomy only442 (49.9)336 (50.2)106 (48.9)
 Radical vulvectomy+unilateral IFN173 (19.5)132 (19.7)41 (18.9)
 Radical vulvectomy+bilateral IFN271 (30.6)201 (30.0)70 (32.3)
Pre-operative albumin (mg/dL)0.003
 <314 (1.6)6 (0.9)8 (3.7)
 ≥3441 (49.8)324 (48.4)117 (53.9)
 Unknown431 (48.7)339 (50.7)92 (42.4)
 Pre-operative albumin, mean (SD)4.0 (0.5)4.0 (0.4)3.8 (0.5)0.0005
 Length of stay (days)1 (1–3)1 (1–2)2 (1–3)0.05
 Disseminated cancer25 (2.8)21 (3.1)4 (1.8)0.32
 ASA classification ≥3572 (64.6)389 (58.2)183 (84.3)<0.0001
 Smoker within 1 year of surgery180 (20.3)132 (19.7)48 (22.1)0.45
 On dialysis prior to surgery8 (0.9)3 (0.5)5 (2.3)0.02
 Steroid use for chronic condition42 (4.7)37 (5.5)5 (2.3)0.05
 Weight loss prior to surgery5 (0.6)4 (0.6)1 (0.5)1.00
 Operating time (minutes)100.5 (62–152)99 (62–148)101 (63–166)0.37
mFI components
 Diabetes mellitus196 (22.1)28 (4.2)168 (77.4)<0.0001
 Functional dependency30 (3.4)3 (0.5)27 (12.4)<0.0001
 Congestive heart failure4 (0.5)0 (0.0)4 (1.8)0.004
 History of severe COPD72 (8.1)20 (3.0)52 (24.0)<0.0001
 Hypertension requiring medication521 (58.8)308 (46.0)213 (98.2)<0.0001
  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IFN, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy; mFI, modified frailty index.