Table 1

Demographics and baseline characteristics

CharacteristicCohort A1 (n=88)
Age, median (range), years63.0 (41–80)
ECOG performance status, n (%)
 040 (45.5)
 148 (54.5)
Disease stage at diagnosis, n (%)
 I28 (31.8)
 II7 (8.0)
 III37 (42.0)
 IV16 (18.2)
Histology, n (%)
 Endometrioid carcinoma type I58 (65.9)
 Endometrial carcinoma type II30 (34.1)
  Serous4 (4.5)
  Clear cell1 (1.1)
  Undifferentiated3 (3.4)
  Mixed5 (5.7)
  Unspecified14 (15.9)
  Other*3 (3.4)
Number of prior lines of therapy, n (%)† ‡
 157 (64.8)
 225 (28.4)
 ≥36 (6.8)
Progression-free interval from last platinum treatment, median (range), months7.1 (0.2–123.0)
  • *Includes adenocarcinoma, endometrial adenocarcinoma, and endometrioid carcinoma.

  • †All patients received at least one line of prior anti-cancer therapy.

  • ‡Includes lines of therapy prior to the advanced/recurrent setting.

  • ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.