Table 3

Incidence of endometrial cancer or hyperplasia and ovarian cancer in female mismatch repair carriers undergoing risk reducing surgery

Participant characteristics (%)Women with personal history of cancer (%)Age (years) (median (range)) at RRSRRS typePreoperative evaluationNo of cancers (% of sample
No of hyperplasias (% of sample size)
Schmeler et al31 61MMR: 61
Not provided41 (20–63)47 (77%) TH-BSO
14 (23%) TH
Not performed3 (4.9%) EC. Genes not provided. 38, 48, 58 years.
0 (0%) OC
Lachiewicz et al34 24MMR: 20 (83%)
II/AC-like: 4 (17%)
Not provided47 (32–61)22 (92%) TH-BSO
1 (4%) BSO
ES: 3/24 results available; 1 EC misdiagnosed as CAH, 2 correctly diagnosed as normal. TVUS: OC patient had ovarian cysts on preoperatively3 (12.5%) EC. Ages not provided. MLH1, MSH2, MSH6.
1 (4.2%) OC. Age not provided, MSH2
Karamurzin et al35 25MMR: 20 (80%)
AC-II: 5 (20%)
22 (88%)48 (36–61)18 (72%) TH-BSO
2 (8%) TH
5 (20%) TH-BSO +colectomy
ES: 9/24 results available; all negative for CAH or EC. TVUS: 1 patient with EC had abnormal findings2 (8%) EC in 56 years MLH1; 54 years MSH2; 44 years MSH2.
1 (4%) OC in 44 years, MSH2.
3 (12%) CAH in MLH1, MSH2,
1 (4%) SH in the patient with OC
Downes et al36 25MMR: 23
EPCAM: 1 (4%)
Unavailable: 1 (4%)
2 (8%) had cancer at the time of RRS47 (34–59)23 (92%) TH-BSO
1 (4%) TH-USO
1 (4%) TH
ES: 3/25 available; 2 correctly detected CAH2 (8%) EC in 42 years, MSH2; 59 years MSH6.
0 (0%) OC
6 (24%) CAH in 2×MLH1, 3×MSH2, 1×MSH6
Tzortzatos et al24 41MMR: 41 (100%)Not provided53 (40–77)32 (78%) TH-BSO
7 (17%) TH
2 (5%) BSO
EB: 1/41 available which missed EC3 (7.3%) EC in 49 years MLH1; 46 years MLH1; 42 years MSH2.
0 (0%) OC
1 (2.4%) CAH in MLH1
Bartosch et al37 39
MMR: 39 (100%)31 (80%)45 (32–73)36 (92%) TH-BSO
1 (3%) TH-USO
2 (5%) TH
EB: 10/39 available; 3 EH, 1 of which was actually EC3 (7.7%) EC, all asymptomatic, in 50 years MLH1; 44 years MLH1; 47 years MSH2.
0 (0%) OC
6 (15.4%) EH; 4 were atypical. Atypical: 3×MLH1, 1×MSH2. Non-atypical: 2×MSH2
Wong et al38 27MMR: 22 (81%)
Basis of LS diagnosis unspecified: 5 (19%)
Not provided49 (36–61)25 (92%) TH-BSO
1 (4%) TH-USO
1 (4%) TH
ES: 12/27 available; 1 CH +11 normal IOE gross: 15/27 available; 8 abnormal including EC IOE histology: 14/27 available; 0 malignancies found (specimen with EC was not sent)1 (3.7%) EC in 57 years, mutation positive, specific gene unavailable2 (7.4%) CAH both in MSH2
Fedda et al39 29MMR: 28
Unavailable: 1 (3%)
18 (62%)50 (34–69)28 (97%) TH-BSO
1 (3%) TH-BS
EB: 11/29 available; 3 correctly diagnosed EH, 1 EH misdiagnosed as EC0 (0%) EC5 (17.2%) EH; 4 were atypical. Atypical: 2×
MLH1, 1×MSH2,
Non-atypical: MLH1
Pistorius et al40 4MMR: 3 (75%)
AC: 1 (25%)
4 (100%)(47–59)4 (100%) TH-BSOTVUS: 4/4 normal2 (50%) EC. 49 years, AC-II; 47 years, MSH2
Piedimonte et al32 41MMR: 41 (100%)Not providedNot provided0 (0%) EC3 (20%); all atypical
Rush et al33 15MMR: 15 (100%)1 (6.7%)47 (38–68)15 (100%) BSO±THNot reported0 (0%) EC
0 (0%) OC
0 (%)
Duenas et al41 66MMR: 66 (100%)33 (50%)49 (36–72)57 (86.4%) TH-BSO
8 (12.1%) TH
1 (1.5%) TH +salpingectomy
All 6 women diagnosed with cancer had normal screening prior to RRS6 (9.1%) EC, all asymptomatic
0 (0%) OC
Eikenboom et al27 53MMR: 53 (100%)Not provided51Exact number not provided for RRS patients only1 (1.5%) EC in MSH6
  • Number needed to treat is defined as the number of patients needed to undergo risk reducing surgery to detect endometrial/ovarian cancer or hyperplasia

  • AC, Amsterdam criteria; BS, bilateral salpingectomy; BSO, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; CAH, complex atypical hyperplasia; CH, complex hyperplasia without atypia; EB, endometrial biopsy; EC, endometrial cancer; EH, endometrial hyperplasia; ES, endometrial sampling; IOE, intraoperative evaluation; LEEP, loop electrosurgical excision procedure; LS, Lynch syndrome; MMR, mismatch repair; OC, ovarian cancer; RRS, risk reducing surgery; SCH, supracervical hysterectomy; SH, simple hyperplasia; TH, total hysterectomy; USO, unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.