Table 3

Survival statistics according to the staging schemas

Stage2009 FIGO schema2021 FIGO schema
Overall survivalCancer mortality*Overall survivalCancer mortality*
5 year (%)Median (month)5 year (%)Median (month)5 year (%)Median (month)5 year (%)Median (month)
IIIA48.9 (42.9–54.7)51 (42–77)34.0 (28.4–39.7)—†45.6 (38.5–52.5)43 (36–70)37.5 (30.6–44.3)—†
IIIB44.2 (34.5–53.4)50 (26–77)38.3 (29.2–47.4)—†47.0 (40.6–53.2)51 (39–74)35.5 (29.6–41.5)—†
IIIC30.3 (22.8–38.1)18 (14–23)53.3 (44.6–61.2)39 (22–na)30.3 (22.8–38.1)18 (14–23)53.3 (44.6–61.2)39 (22–na)
IVA25.1 (18.1–32.8)18 (13–22)52.4 (43.6–60.5)39 (20–na)13.9 (7.1–22.9)11 (8–18)60.3 (48.0–70.5)20 (12–na)
IVB14.5 (9.7–20.3)7 (5–11)64.3 (56.9–70.8)12 (8–18)14.5 (9.7–20.3)7 (5–11)64.3 (56.9–70.8)12 (8–18)
  • The 5 year overall survival or cumulative vulvar cancer mortality rates are shown according to the 2009 or 2021 FIGO staging schemas. Ranges indicate 95% confidence interval.

  • *Cumulative vulvar cancer mortality accounted for other causes of death.

  • †Not reached.

  • FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; na, not applicable.