Table 4

QI related to molecular markers for endometrial carcinoma diagnosis and as determinants for treatment decisions

QI 23 - Proportion of patients undergoing complete molecular classification of their tumor according to the ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines
TypeProcess indicator
DescriptionAccording to the ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines, molecular classification (POLE mutation, mismatch repair deficiency, non-specific molecular profile, p53 abnormality) is encouraged in all endometrial carcinoma, especially high-grade tumors. POLE mutation analysis may be omitted in low-risk and intermediate-risk endometrial carcinoma with low-grade histology. All diagnostic tests to identify these four molecular subgroups should be performed in conjunction due to the occurrence of ‘double classifiers’ (referred to as complete molecular classification). Molecular classification can be performed in the treating center or in a referred to institution
SpecificationsNumerator: number of patients with endometrial carcinoma undergoing complete molecular classification of their tumor
Denominator: all patients treated for an endometrial carcinoma
TargetsOptimal target: ≥90%
Minimum required target: ≥50%