Table 2

Summary of main models and scoring systems for pre-operative diagnosis of ovarian tumors (modified from reference 63)

Model or system: typePredictor variablesRemarks
Simple descriptors:
classification as benign or malignant
Benign descriptor (BD) 1: unilocular tumor with ground-glass echogenicity in a pre-menopausal woman
BD2: unilocular tumor with mixed echogenicity and acoustic shadows in a pre-menopausal woman
BD3: unilocular anechoic tumor with regular walls and maximum diameter of lesion <10 cm
BD4: remaining unilocular tumor with regular walls
Malignant descriptor (MD) 1: Tumor with ascites and at least moderate color Doppler blood flow in a post-menopausal woman
MD2: age >50 years and CA 125 >100 U/mL
No risk estimates
Based on clinical, ultrasound and CA 125 information
Possible to calculate result without computer
CA 125, menopausal status, ultrasound score based on five binary ultrasound variables (multilocular cyst, solid areas, bilateral lesions, ascites, evidence of metastases on abdominal ultrasound)No risk estimates
Based on clinical, ultrasound and CA 125 information
Possible to calculate result without computer
Online calculators available
Simple Rules:
classification as benign, inconclusive or malignant
Classification based on 10 binary features—five benign and five malignant features:
Benign features: unilocular cyst, smooth multilocular cyst with largest diameter <100 mm, presence of solid areas with largest diameter <7 mm, acoustic shadows, no vascularization on color Doppler
Malignant features: irregular solid tumor, irregular multilocular solid tumor with largest diameter ≥100 mm, presence of ascites, ≥4 papillary projections, very strong vascularization on color Doppler
No risk estimates
Classification into only three groups
Based on dichotomized ultrasound features
Easy to use without computer
Available as smartphone app
LR2: risk model based on logistic regressionAge (years), presence of acoustic shadows, presence of ascites, presence of papillary projections with blood flow, maximum diameter of largest solid component, irregular internal cyst wallsRisk estimates
Based on clinical and ultrasound information
Requires computer
Available as smartphone app
Simple Rules risk: risk model based on logistic regressionThe 10 binary features used in the Simple Rules, type of center (oncology center vs other)Risk estimates
Based on dichotomized ultrasound features
Developed to add risk estimates for Simple Rules
Available as online calculator; available in ultrasound machines from some manufacturers
ADNEX without CA 125: risk model based on multinomial logistic regressionAge (years), maximum diameter of lesion (mm), maximum diameter of largest solid component (mm), number of papillary projections (ordinal), presence of acoustic shadows, presence of ascites, presence of more than 10 cyst locules, type of center (oncology center vs other)Risk estimates
Also estimates risk of four subtypes of malignancy
Based on clinical and ultrasound information
Subjective predictors are avoided a priori (eg, color score or irregular cyst walls)
Requires computer
Available as smartphone app and as online calculator; available in ultrasound machines from some manufacturers
ADNEX with CA 125: risk model based on multinomial logistic regressionSame variables as for ADNEX without CA 125, and additionally serum CA 125 (IU/L)Risk estimates
Also estimates risk of four subtypes of malignancy
Based on clinical, ultrasound, and CA 125 information
Subjective predictors are avoided a priori (eg, color score or irregular cyst walls)
Requires computer
Available as smartphone app and as online calculator; available in ultrasound machines from some manufacturers
  • ADNEX, Assessment of Different NEoplasias in the adneXa; CA 125, cancer antigen 125; RMI, risk of malignancy index.