Table 3

Comparison of baseline test results and subsequent diagnosis in the follow-up period 2 (n=4043)

Worst histology diagnosis n (%)
CIN2+ n=64CIN3+ n=40No histological abnormality n=576No histology n=3403Total n=4043
 Cytology alone
 ASCUS+30 (46.9)19 (47.5)95 (16.5)29 (0.9)154 (3.8)
  ASCUS7 (10.9)5 (12.5)54 (9.4)25 (0.7)86 (2.1)
  LSIL5 (7.8)4 (10.0)14 (2.4)3 (0.1)22 (0.5)
  HSIL+*18 (28.1)10 (25.0)27 (4.7)1 (0.0)46 (1.1)
Cytology/HPV triage
 Positive†27 (42.2)18 (45.0)49 (8.5)3 (0.1)79 (2.0)
HPV alone
 HPV 16/1818 (28.1)14 (35.0)57 (9.9)9 (0.3)84 (2.1)
 HrHPV other35 (54.7)22 (55.0)103 (17.9)102 (3.0)240 (5.9)
HPV/cytology triage
 Positive‡35 (54.7)27 (67.5)75 (13.0)10 (0.3)120 (3.0)
  • Percentages are per column.

  • *HSIL+ included HSIL, AGC, adenoCIS, ASCH, and malignant cells from cervical cancer.

  • †positive includes referrals to colposcopy: HSIL+, and ASCUS/LSIL with concurrent positive hrHPV test result (all hr-types).

  • ‡positive includes referrals to colposcopy: all HPV 16/18 positive and hrHPV other types positive with concurrent ASCUS+.