Table 2

Sentinel lymph node procedure

Point of injection; n (%) 95% CI
Utero-ovarian ligament stump
 Not applicable (HT performed)5 (25)
 Unilateral14 (70)
 Bilateral1 (5)
Utero-ovarian ligament migration (n15)
 No1 (6.7)
 Unilateral13 (86.7)
 Bilateral1 (6.7)
Infundibulopelvic ligament stump
 Unilateral19 (95)
 Bilateral1 (5)
Infundibulopelvic ligament migration (n20)
 No0 (0)
 Unilateral16 (80)
 Bilateral4 (20)
SLN detection rate; n (%)
 Pelvic (n15)14 (93.3)66% to 100%
 Paraortic (n20)20 (100)80% to 100%
 Pelvic and para-aortic19 (95)73% to 100%
 Pelvic and/or para-aortic20 (100)80% to 100%
SLN detection method; n (%)
 Intra-operative lymphography1 (5)0% to 27%
 Tc 99m 20 (100)80% to 100%
 ICG19 (95)73% to 100%
 Both (Tc 99m+ ICG)20 (100)80% to 100%
Time after injection [Mean±SD (Range)]; min53±15 (30–80)46.5 to 60.8 min
  • HT, hysterectomy; ICG, Indocyanine green; SLN, sentinel lymph node.