Table 1

Patient and treatment characteristics

Patient characteristic
Age (years), median (range)34 (26–60)
Histology, n (%)
 Squamous cell carcionoma10 (53)
 Adenocarcinoma5 (26)
 Adenosquamous carcinoma4 (21)
Stage (FIGO 2018), n (%)
 IA12 (11)
 IA21 (5)
 IB17 (37)
 IB28 (42)
 IB31 (5)
Volume disease, n (%)
 Micrometastasis10 (53)
 Isolated tumor cells9 (47)
Surgical treatment, n (%)
 Cone biopsy2 (11)
 Radical trachelectomy4 (20)
 Simple hysterectomy2 (11)
 Radical hysterectomy11 (58)
Pelvic lymphadenectomy, n (%)
 No12 (63)
 Unilateral3 (16)
 Bilateral4 (21)
Para-aortic lymphadenectomy, n (%)
 No15 (79)
 Yes4 (21)
Cervical tumor size (mm), median (range)18 (1–44)
Depth of stromal invasion (mm), median (range)8.8 (0.8–20)
Adjuvant treatment, n (%)
 No5 (26)
 Radiation therapy only1 (5)
 Chemotherapy only3 (16)
 Radiation and chemotherapy10 (53)
Intermediate-risk (Sedlis) criteria, n (%)
 No11 (58)
 Yes8 (42)
Follow-up (months), median (range)62 (13–94)
  • FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.