Table 5

Quality indicators related to the compliance of management with the standards of care

QI 13 - Proportion of patients with a stage T1 disease treated by primary surgery who have undergone lymph node (LN) staging according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines
 TypeOutcome indicator
 DescriptionLymph nodes staging is defined according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines5–7
 Specifications Numerator: number of patients with a stage T1 disease who have undergone Lymph nodes staging according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines5–7
Denominator: all patients with a stage T1 disease who were treated by primary surgery
QI 14 - Counseling about a possibility of FST
 TypeStructural indicator
 DescriptionCounseling of patients with stage T1b1 ≤2 cm disease, potential candidates for fertility-sparing treatment, is described in the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines.5–7 All eligible patients should be appropriately counseled about a possibility of FST. FST should be undertaken exclusively in centers with comprehensive expertise in this management
 Specifications Numerator: number of patients with stage T1b1 ≤2 cm disease, potential candidates for FST, counseled according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines5–7
Denominator: all patients with stage T1b1 ≤2 cm disease, potential candidates for FST
QI 15 - Proportion of patients receiving adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after a primary surgical treatment for a stage pT1b1 pN0 disease
 TypeStructural indicator
 DescriptionManagement of patients after a surgical treatment for a stage pT1b1 pN0 disease is defined according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines5–7
 Specifications Numerator: number of patients receiving adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after primary surgical treatment for stage pT1b1 pN0 disease, according to the ESGO-ESTRO-ESP guidelines5–7
Denominator: all patients with primary surgical treatment for stage pT1b1 pN0 disease