Abstract EP864 Table 1
Years since OC diagnosis
All patients0–11–22–33–4
Patient required a caregiver; N,% 1159, 13 733, 13 254, 11 111, 14 61, 25
Known hospitalizations within prior year, N Hospitalized within prior year;% 703, 33 429, 38 139, 24 83, 22 52, 27
Mean completed duration of 1L treatment; N, Months 386, 4.9 131, 3.9 139, 5.4 73, 5.5 43, 5.4
Mean time from end of 1L to start of 2L; N, Months 389, 9.1 132, 2.1 143, 8.1 71, 16.8 43, 21.4
Mean completed duration of 2L treatment; N, Months 91, 5.0 8, 3.5 30, 4.8 24, 5.3 29, 5.5
Mean time from end of 2L to start of 3L; N, Months 93, 2.3 9, 0.9 30, 1.1 25, 2.6 29, 3.7
Mean time receiving treatment; N, Months 756, 5.6 489, 3.3 150, 8.4 74, 9.7 43, 14.2
Mean time not receiving treatment; N, Months 387, 9.7 132, 2.1 142, 8.4 70, 17.7 43, 24.1