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Low complication rate during intraperitoneal therapy through a totally implanted peritoneal access port in patients with ovarian cancer
  1. A. G. NANNINGA,
  3. E.G.E. DE VRIES and
  1. Department of Medical Oncology
  2. *Gynaecology, University Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands
  1. Address for correspondence: P.H.B. Willemse, M.D., Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Oostersingel 59, 9713 EZ Groningen, The Netherlands.


Fifty-three patients with histologically proven ovarian cancer were treated with intraperitoneally administered cisplatin or human recombinant interferon-alpha through a totally implanted peritoneal access port. A total of 281 treatment courses were given. No complications related to surgical implantation of the port were seen. Infectious complications, intra-abdominal problems or subcutaneous drug extravasation did not occur. In two patients the number of treatment courses was limited due to inflow obstruction. A totally implanted peritoneal access port proves to be a reliable route for the intraperitoneal treatment of patients with ovarian cancer. The strict aseptic technique we used contributes to its safety by preventing intra-abdominal infections.

  • cisplatin
  • etoposide
  • interferon-alpha
  • intraperitoneal
  • i.p catheter
  • ovarian cancer

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