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Lack of effect from mitomycin c plus 5-fluorouracil in platin-resistant ovarian cancer: a phase II study
  2. H. HAVSTEEN and
  3. C. KAMBY*
  1. *Department of Oncology, Copenhagen University Hospital in Herlev, Herlev
  2. Department of Oncology, Aahus University Hospital, Aahus, Denmark
  1. Address for correspondence: Dr V. Vestermark, Sortedam Dossering 63B,2., DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark.


Sixteen patients with advanced ovarian cancer were included in a phase II study with mitomycin c (MMC) plus 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). All patients had previously received platin-based combination therapy, but were resistant to this treatment. A MMC 10 mg m−2 intravenous (iv) bolus was given on day 1 every 6 weeks, and 5-FU 1000 mg m−2 was given iv on days 1–3 every 3 weeks, as a continuous infusion over 72 h. Fifteen patients were evaluable for response. There were no responders, neither partial nor complete. The median survival was 6 months. The toxicity was primarily bone marrow suppression. The treatment was generally well tolerated. No patients had grade 4 toxicity and only five had grade 3 hematologic toxicity. In conclusion, we find the present regimen to be ineffective in the treatment of platin-resistant ovarian cancer.

  • 5-fluorouracil
  • mitomycin c
  • platin-resistant ovarian cancer

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