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Introduction The GO Forward clinic launched on the 12th May 2023 (World Ovarian Cancer Day). This nurse led initiative combines a comprehensive in person education clinic with virtual surveillance reviews supporting patients moving into the post active treatment phase of their cancer journey. The aim of the clinic is to empower patients to live well and achieve their best possible health whilst living with a poor prognosis cancer diagnosis.
Methods The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) distress thermometer and a holistic needs assessment (HNA) was used to guide the face to face consultations. Observations from these assessment tools over a 12 month period are presented to highlight the distinctive concerns of this cohort of patients.
Results 151 patients have been reviewed in the GO Forward clinics to date (60% Stage 3/4 disease). 54 patients attended an in person education clinic and of whom, 46% report emotional concerns (thinking about the future, worry, fear, anxiety and uncertainty) and 35% psychosocial concerns (relationships, work, finances and childcare). Women with ovarian cancer live with a significant risk of cancer recurrence or disease progression making fear of cancer recurrence an important survivorship issue. Uncertainty around how to recognise signs and symptoms of recurrence heightens these concerns.
Conclusion/Implications Nurse led clinics allow for a continuity of care, which identifies and addresses psychological and psychosocial distress. Specialist oncology nurse led clinics are pivotal in supporting the psychosocial and informational needs of survivors but also highlight key areas of unmet need that require further research.