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EV209/#944  An evaluation of the gynae-oncology CNS initial nursing assessment and education phone call
  1. Emma Nixon1,
  2. Sheila Boylan2,
  3. Sheilah Broderick3,
  4. Caroline Miller2,
  5. Donal Brennan4,
  6. Yvonne Timony5 and
  7. Tracey Fitzpatrick6
  1. 1Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Gynae Oncology Nurse, Dublin, Ireland
  2. 2Mater Hospital Eccles street Dublin 7, Gynae/oncology Nursing, Dublin, Ireland
  3. 3Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Gynae Oncology Nursing, Dublin, Ireland
  4. 4University College Dublin Gynaecological Oncology Group, Ucd School of Medicine, Mater Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  5. 5Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Nursing, Dublin, Ireland
  6. 6Mater Hospital Eccles street Dublin 7, Oncology Directorate, Dublin, Ireland


Introduction First referral to a gynaeoncology clinic can be a very traumatic time for patients. New patients referred to the Mater gynaeoncology service receive a phone call from a gynae-oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) prior to their initial clinic appointment. A detailed nursing assessment is conducted capturing the patient’s current health status/presentation of symptoms/investigations and their understanding of their diagnosis. The patient’s current distress level as well as practical, family, relationship, emotional, spiritual and physical concerns are ascertained, using the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) distress thermometer and a modified MacMillian concerns checklist. This assessment provides a comprehensive baseline to ensure that each patient‘s individual needs are addressed from diagnosis through to survivorship. The aim of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of the CNS call as an intervention from the patient’s perspective and to determine if patients found it beneficial

Methods Patients were invited to give their feedback anonymously through a patient questionnaire which was e-mailed to them via survey monkey.

Results Overall the respondents indicated that they found the call to be beneficial, they felt supported and reassured and better prepared for their clinic visit. They valued the opportunity to talk about their diagnosis with the nurse.

Conclusion/Implications An intervention initiated by the CNS team at the time of a patient’s diagnosis prior to attending their first clinic appointment is welcomed by patients. Oncology nurse specialists play an integral role in holistic patient assessment, thus setting the tone for their personalised care throughout their cancer journey.

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