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369 Oncosexology: dealing with after effects of cancer treatments for Gyn and breast cancer
  1. Elizabeth Ordens Castelo Branco
  1. Portuguese Institute of Cancer -Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal


Introduction/Background The global number of cancer patients has risen mainly because of early diagnoses and better diagnostic techniques in Medicine as well as in other fields.

The Gynaecology Unit at the Portuguese Institute of Cancer in Coimbra realized the great need to open a new space for consultation of women treated for gynaecological & breast cancer in order to treat and help in dealing with early menopause, hair lost, weight gain,vulva-vaginal atrofia, vulvar estenoses and linfoedema o caused by the after effects of extended surgery, chemeoterapy and radiotherapy .

Methodology The new Unit openned in 2019 witha a multisdisciple team and has been receiving patients from the various departaments: urology, oncology, radioterapy and psquiatry referring pateints with early menopause, hair lost, weight gain, vulva-vaginal atrofia, vulvar estnoses and linfoedema.

A total of 150 patients were refered both to the Gyn and Urology doctores of those 80 patients were consulted in the gyncology departament with follow-up since 2019 thru Oct-2023.

Results Female patients (80) were interviewed before and after treatmente. All refered referred less symptons, better exceptance and an over all greater quality of life.

The symptons of menopause, hair lost, weight gain,vulva-vaginal atrofia, vulvar estnoses and linfoedema caused by the after effects of extended surgery, chemeoterapy and radiotherapy were controled teachings, hidration, exercice, vitaminas and hormonal non hormonal substances.

Conclusion The Oncosexology Unit openned in 2019 at the IPOCoimbra with a multidisicplinary team consulting, treating and further follow-up concluided that these women who are suddenly diagnosed and treated for gyn disease(cancer of the cervix, uterus, endometrium, ovary) or breast cancer in a few months are confronted with a totaly new reality in their life and benefit of especialized team help to adjust and better the quality of life.

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