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984 Mapping sentinel lymph node with hibrid tracer (99Tc-ICG) in apparent early-stage ovarian cancer (HibrOv). Pilot experience
  1. Anna Torrent1,
  2. Joana Amengual Vila2,
  3. Catalina Sampol Bas2,
  4. Mario Ruiz Coll2,
  5. Jorge Rioja1,
  6. Adriana Marcela Quintero1 and
  7. Octavi Cordoba2
  1. 1Son Espases University Hospital, Palma De Mallorca, Spain
  2. 2Son Espases University Hospital, Palma, Spain


Introduction/Background Published experience for sentinel Lymph node (SLN) in early-stage ovarian cancer is limited. The SENTOV clinical trial technique appears to be feasible but requires a longer learning curve than SLN techniques for other types of gynecologic tumors.

The aim od this study is to assess the feasibility of SLN biopsy in patients with clinical stage I-II ovarian cancer during our learning curve. The secondary objective is to evaluate the SLN detection rate, location and involvement of the SLN.

Methodology Controlled, non-randomized, prospective single-center, pilot clinical trial.

We recruited 22 consecutive patients (Jan/21-Dec23) with suspicious ovarian mass in apparent early stage by radiological imaging or re-staging surgery.

After anesthetic induction and exploration of the abdominal cavity, 0.2 ml 37 MBq of hybrid tracer (ICG-99mTc) was injected into the infundibulopelvic and utero-ovarian ligament via laparoscopic/robotic or open surgery. The ovarian mass was removed and referred for intraoperative analysis. If malignancy was confirmed, the SLN was removed, bilateral pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy was performed and the staging surgery was completed. If the intraoperative report was benign, images were taken with a portable Gammaprobe to check whether drainage occured.

Results 22 patients were included. Injection was feasible in 21 patients (95,5%). In one patient the tracer was overflowed and the identification of SLN was no possible. The overall detection rate was 95.5% (21/22). SLN were detected in pelvic and para-aortic area en 14/21 patients (66,7%), in 4 patients SLN migrated only in pelvic area (19%) and Three (14,3%) mapped only in para-aortic region. Lymph node involvement was 15,4% (2/13). Micrometastasis was found in two SLN by ultrastaging technique.

There were no intra or postoperative events related with the tracer or the technique.

Conclusion SLN in early-stage ovarian seems to be feasible with an optimal overall detection rate during the learning curve. More prospective and multicentric trials, are necessary.

Disclosures Authors have not disclousures of interest.

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