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Introduction/Background Uterine cancer (UC) is one of the most frequent malignant tumor of the reproductive organs among women in economic developed countries. In Uzbekistan, the increase in the incidence of UC is in second place after cervical cancer.
Methodology The statistical indicators for analyses were taken from official report from 2020 to 2022 years.
Results Analyzed data of UC in 2020–22 years showed that 609 (1.8), 789 (2,3) and 850 (2.4) UC patients were identified in the Republic, respectively. The age of patients varied from 18 years old to over 80.
In group from 18 to 35 years old UC was defined at 16 patients, from 36 to 50 years old - 111, from 51 – 65 years old - 324 and older 65 years old at 158 patients. The mortality rate in 2020 was 0,8 (274 patients) and the 5-year survival rate consisted 48.7%.
In 2021 in age group from 18 to 35 years old UC was defined at 20 patients, from 36 to 50 years old - 145, from 51 – 65 years old – 412 and older 65 years old at 212 patients. 400 patients were from the country - side. The mortality rate in 2021 was 1.8 (304 patients) and the 5-year survival rate consisted 48.0%.
In 2022, in the 18 to 35 years old group - 12 patients, in the 35 to 50 years old group - 188 patients, in the 51 to 65 years old group - 451 patients, and 198 patients in the over 65 years old group. Villagers made up 426 patients. The mortality rate was 0.9 (331). The 5-year survival rate was 46.4%.
Conclusion The morbidity of UC in Uzbekistan has tend to increase. Timely diagnosis and treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes will significantly reduce the number of women at risk for UC.
Disclosures First author confirms that there is no any conflict of interest included in this abstract and have been approved by all co-authors.