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British Gynaecological Cancer Society/British Association of Gynaecological Pathology consensus for genetic testing in epithelial ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom
  1. Elaine YL Leung1,
  2. Shibani Nicum2,
  3. Jo Morrison3,4,
  4. James D Brenton5,
  5. Ionut-Gabriel Funingana5,
  6. Robert D Morgan6,7,
  7. Sadaf Ghaem-Maghami8,
  8. Tracie Miles9,
  9. Ranjit Manchanda10,11,
  10. Rebecca Bowen12,
  11. Adrian Andreou12,
  12. Will Loughborough12,
  13. Susan Freeman13,
  14. Ketan Gajjar14,
  15. Sarah Coleridge14,15,
  16. Mercedes Jimenez-Linan16,
  17. Janos Balega17,
  18. Jonathan Frost12,
  19. Amy Keightley18,
  20. Yvonne Wallis19,
  21. Sudha Sundar1,17 and
  22. Raji Ganesan19
    1. 1 Department of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
    2. 2 University College London, London, UK
    3. 3 Musgrove Park Hospital Grace Centre, Taunton, UK
    4. 4 Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
    5. 5 CRUK Cambridge Centre, Cambridge, UK
    6. 6 Medical Oncology, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
    7. 7 Division of Cancer Science, The University of Manchester Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, Manchester, UK
    8. 8 Imperial College London, London, UK
    9. 9 The Department of Gynaeoncology, Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust, Bath, UK
    10. 10 Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK
    11. 11 Gynaeoncology, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
    12. 12 Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath, UK
    13. 13 Department of Radiology, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK
    14. 14 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK
    15. 15 Gynaeoncology, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, UK
    16. 16 Gynaecological oncology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
    17. 17 Pan-Bimringham Gynaecological Cancer Centre, Birmingham City Hospital, Birmingham, UK
    18. 18 Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon, UK
    19. 19 Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
    1. Correspondence to Dr Elaine YL Leung, Institute of Cancer and Genomics Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; e.leung{at}; Dr Raji Ganesan; r.ganesan{at}


    Standard of care genetic testing has undergone significant changes in recent years. The British Gynecological Cancer Society and the British Association of Gynecological Pathologists (BGCS/BAGP) has re-assembled a multidisciplinary expert consensus group to update the previous guidance with the latest standard of care for germline and tumor testing in patients with ovarian cancer. For the first time, the BGCS/BAGP guideline group has incorporated a patient advisor at the initial consensus group meeting. We have used patient focused groups to inform discussions related to reflex tumor testing – a key change in this updated guidance. This report summarizes recommendations from our consensus group deliberations and audit standards to support continual quality improvement in routine clinical settings.

    • Neoplasms
    • Homologous recombination
    • BRCA1 Protein
    • BRCA2 Protein
    • Ovarian Cancer

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    • Collaborators BGCS/BAGP consensus group for genetic testing in epithelial ovarian cancer. Elaine YL Leung, Shibani Nicum, Jo Morrison, James D Brenton, Ionut-Gabriel Funingana, Robert Morgan, Sadaf Ghaem-Maghami, Tracie Miles, Ranjit Manchanda, Rebecca Bowen, Adrian Andreou, Will Loughborough, Sue Freeman, Ketan Gajjar, Sarah Coleridge, Mercedes Jimenez-Linan, Janos Balega, Jonathan Frost, Amy Keightley, Yvonne Wallis, Sudha Sundar and Raji Ganesan.

    • Contributors Project administration: EYLL, RG, SS. Conceptualization and methodology: EYLL, RG, SS. Investigation, Data curation, Formal Analysis and Visualisation: EYLL, IGF, SN, JM, RM. Supervision: RG, SS. Writing – original draft: EYLL, JM, JDB, IGF, RM, SGM, TM, RM, RB, AA, WB, SF, KG, SC, MJL, JB, JF, AK, YW, RG. Writing – review and editing: EYLL, RG and all authors reviewed and approved the paper.

    • Funding The consensus meeting was funded by the British Gynaecological Cancer Society.

    • Competing interests None declared.

    • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

    • Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.