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EP013/#1522  OU MC decrescendo phenomenon as a component of physical activity for cancer prevention
  1. Ming-Cheh Ou
  1. Zhong-Xiao Branch/Taipei City Hospital, Obs and Gyn, Taipei City, Taiwan


Introduction The causal relationship between physical activity and anti-cancer effect are not proved by the current studies. Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon treatment (OuDPt) as a component of physical activity, shows an anti-cancer effect.

Methods We review the anti-cancer effects of the Ou decrescendo phenomenon treatment (OuDPt) in the context of physical activity and human body anatomical axes (HBAAs).

Results OuDPt showed to induce apoptosis and regression of uterine endometrial cancer, suppression of ovarian and pancreatic cancer growth, regression of early suspicious pancreatic cancer, enhancement of chemotherapy effect of pancreatic cancer and stop of cancer-related bleeding.

Conclusion/Implications However, such anti-cancer effect by OuDPt shows insufficient efficacy for advanced cancer in long term treatment. Nonetheless, the anti-cancer effect by OuDPt may be availed for cancer prevention. Further study is warranted. Reference: 1. Ou MC et al. Cancer Symposium: Hallmarks of Cancer. Seattle, WA, USA, 2019, P1.11. 2. Ou MC et al. 2nd JCA-AACR precision cancer medicine international conference. Kyoto, Japan, 2023, 5–4. 3. Ou MC et al. APJCP, 2023;24(8) (in press).

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