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W002/#1410  Novel strategy of training the accredited social health activists (ASHAS) via telemedicine for cervical cancer screening by HPV self-sampling – the track trial
  1. Nilanchali Singh1,
  2. Pranay Tanwar2,
  3. Sandeep Mathur3,
  4. Seema Singhal4,
  5. Jyoti Meena1,
  6. Anju Singh1 and
  7. Neerja Bhatla1
  1. 1All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, New Delhi, India
  2. 2All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Laboratory Oncology, New Delhi, India
  3. 3All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Department of Pathology, New Delhi, India
  4. 4AIIMS, New Delhi, Gynecologic Oncology, New Delhi, India


Introduction This is a novel, pilot study aimed to analyse training of ASHAs by telemedicine for counselling women for cervical cancer screening by HPV Self-Sampling.

Methods This study is a pilot, community-based, prospective, single-arm study. Physicians trained the ASHA workers over telephone using videos, e-pamphlets and video conferencing regarding self-sampling HPV testing, who in turn trained the clients in community. Self-sampling HPV kits were transported via courier.

Results 465 women of age group 30–65 years were tested by 47 tele-trained ASHA workers. The mean age of ASHA worker and clients was 39.47±6.45 and 37.26+8.38 years, respectively. Almost half (53%) of the ASHA worker were educated till intermediate standard. The time taken to train ASHA workers via telephone was 26.51±4.18 minutes. 91.7% of the ASHA worker were satisfied with the information provided during tele-counselling. Each ASHA recruited ten clients on an average. 95.8% of the ASHAs felt it as easy to explain the clients. The acceptability of this strategy among clients was 56%. The feasibility of this strategy (percentage of clients who find it easy/those who did self-sampling) was 99%. Half of the women (48.9%) cited ‘feeling uncomfortable’ as the reason for not wanting to get screened. Among those screened, 11% were hrHPV positive and 68% were willing for follow-up. Table 1: Characteristics of ASHAs and Patients

Abstract W002/#1410 Table 1

Conclusions Conclusion: The current study highlights a novel strategy incorporating the role of telemedicine in training ASHA worker for the self-sampling of HPV for cervical cancer screening, with promising results. The study is funded by American Society of Clinical Oncology.

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