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EP341/#890  The need of a better discussion between doctors and patients with regards of fertility preservation after anti cervical cancer treatments
  1. Bar Levy
  1. HBait Shel Bar – Israel Women’s Cancer Association (RA), Management, Tel Aviv, Israel


Introduction According to studies, the age range of cervical cancer patients usually ranges between the age 35 to 39 or 60 to 64 years old and is relatively younger than other gynecological cancers’ age range. In this young age range, a patient might want to give birth after treatments.

Methods A call for answers to a survey was published in the Israeli Cervical Cancer Facebook Community, and community members were invited to respond voluntarily and anonymously through a coded and encrypted web form.

Results 67 women between the ages of 21 and 45 responded to the survey (median age 37 years). 55.22% were diagnosed with CIN 3, 19.4% were diagnosed with stage 1 Cervical Cancer, 5.97% with stage 2, 5.97% were diagnosed with stages 3–4, 13.43% did not know how to answer this question. 77.61% are sexually active with a singular known partner. 58.2% recall having a discussion with their attending physician regarding fertility preservation, before the beginning of the treatments. 32.83% recall such a discussion afterward treatments. 11.94% give birth after illness or had a child thanks to a surrogate mother.

Conclusion/Implications This study underscores the need for greater attention to patients’ fertility preservation aspects before and after completion of treatments and the need in coordinate patients‘ expectations regarding birth planning with regards of the ability to do so after treatments. Research involving a larger sample size may help to better support the information needs of survivors.

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