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EP285/#976  Borderline ovarian tumour audit at an Australian tertiary centre
  1. Rosemary Mcbain1,
  2. Aidan Kashyap2,
  3. Estefania Vicario3,
  4. Mila Volchek3,
  5. Deborah Neesham3,
  6. Yael Naaman3,
  7. Antonia Jones3,
  8. Niveditha Rajadevan3,4 and
  9. Orla Mcnally5,6
  1. 1Royal Women’s Hospital, Gynae Oncology, Parkville, Australia
  2. 2Monash Medical Centre, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clayton, Australia
  3. 3Royal Women’s Hospital, Gynaecological Oncology, Parkville, Australia
  4. 4Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Laboratory Research, Melbourne, Australia
  5. 5The Royal Women’s Hospital, Gynaeoncology and Dysplasia Unit, Melbourne, Australia
  6. 6University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Parkville, Australia


Introduction Borderline ovarian tumors represent 10–20% of all epithelial ovarian tumors and one third of patients present younger than 40. We present an updated audit at the Royal Womens’ Hospital, reviewing all cases since 1982, with particular focus on outcomes in patients who undergo fertility preserving management; rates, timing and detection of recurrence; duration and frequency of follow-up and rates of progression to cancer.

Single (tertiary) instituion retrospective audit Data were collected from the GEMMA and EPIC databases. Archived pathology reports were re-reviewed in cases where recurrence occured. Ethics approval was obtained AQA21/15.

Results Mean age at diagnosis was 46. Correlation of frozen section results to final pathology was correct or at least queried in 109/151 cases (72%), 54 (62%) in MBOT and 55 (92%) in SBOT.

Abstract EP285/#976 Table 1

Recurrence and surgical procedure

Conclusion/Implications Our work contributes to existing published data.

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