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EP268/#152  Exploring the impact of surgical interventions and identifying risk factors for recurrence in borderline ovarian tumors
  1. Seon Mi Lee1,
  2. Sanghoon Lee1,
  3. Jae Yun Song1,
  4. Aeran Seol1,
  5. Hyun Woong Cho2,
  6. Kyung Jin Min3,
  7. Jin Hwa Hong2,
  8. Jae Kwan Lee2 and
  9. Nak Woo Lee3
  1. 1Korea University Anam Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
  2. 2Korea University Guro Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
  3. 3Korea University Ansan Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of


Introduction Despite the low incidence and favorable prognosis of borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs), standardized surgical treatments and risk factors remain debated. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different surgical interventions on the outcomes of BOTs and to identify risk factors that contribute to their recurrence.

Methods BOT patients at Korea University Anam Hospital from March 2006 and March 2023 were grouped based on recurrence. Therapeutic surgical interventions were classified as conservative, comprehensive, or staging surgeries. Each group’s characteristics, clinicopathological factors, surgical interventions, disease-free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS), and recurrence risk factors were compared and analysed. Statistical analyses included student’s t-test, chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, Kaplan-Meier analysis, and Cox regression analysing using SPSS.

Results Of 177 patients, 170 were in the non-recurrence group and 7 in the recurrence group, with an average follow-up of 54.7 months. Among relapsed patients, 4 had borderline recurrence and 3 had malignant transformation, with respective DFS of 43 and 18 months. There were no significant differences in DFS and OS on surgical interventions (figure 1). Increased risk of BOT recurrence was observed with positive washing cytology and intraoperative iatrogenic rupture (table 1), but no significant OS risk factors were identified.

Conclusion/Implications In BOT treatment, surgical intervention differences didn’t affect outcomes or DFS and OS. Conservative, comprehensive, and staging surgeries are variable options based on patient age and fertility preservation. To reduce BOT recurrence risk, it is crucial to avoid rupture during surgery and closely monitor postoperative patients with positive washing cytology.

Abstract EP268/#152 Figure 1

Survival plot by type of surgical interventions according to Cox proportional hazard model. (A) Disease free survival plot and (B) overall survival plot

Abstract EP268/#152 Table 1

Cox proportional hazards of disease-free survival in a univariate analysis

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