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EP187/#658  Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea in patients with ovarian cancer
  1. Ayumi Shikama,
  2. Kaoru Fujieda,
  3. Yuri Tenjinbayashi,
  4. Nobutaka Tsaka,
  5. Azusa Akiyama,
  6. Sari Nakao,
  7. Takeo Minaguchi and
  8. Toyomi Satoh
  1. Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tsukuba, Japan


Introduction For young cancer patients, the possible impact on their fertility after treatment is important concern. If ovarian function is expected to decrease after chemotherapy, fertility preservation may be an option prior to treatment. We aimed to clarify the proportion of amenorrhea after platinum-and taxane-based chemotherapy.

Methods Twenty-eight patients who underwent fertility-sparing surgery for ovarian malignancies from 2000–2022 were included. Clinical information were collected retrospectively from medical records.

Results The median follow-up duration was 81 (6–252) months. Median age was 27 (range: 19–38) years. 15 patients had epithelial ovarian tumors, and 13 had germ cell tumors. Treatment details: no chemotherapy in 9 patients, BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin) in 10, TC(Paclitaxel, carboplatin) in 7, DC(Docetaxel, carboplatin) in 1, PVB (Cisplatin, Vinblastine, Bleomycin)in 1. The median time to the resumption of regular menstrual cycle was 1 (1–4) M in the no-chemotherapy group, 4.1 (3–4) M in the BEP group, and 2.7 (1–5) M in the TC/DC group. While the proportion of amenorrhea at 3 months was 20% in the no-chemotherapy group, it was 68% in the chemotherapy group (80% in the BEP group and 50% in the TC/DC group). The amenorrhea at 6 months was found in only 1 patient in the PVB group.

Conclusion/Implications After TC/DC therapy, amenorrhea at 3 months was found in about half of the patients, but regular menstruation had resumed by 6 months. The impact on ovarian function after platinum- and taxane-based chemotherapy is considered to remain short-term.

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