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EP095/#141  IGCS-MD anderson project echo gynecologic cancers in Latin America: transfering knowledge, building confidence and increasing collaboration in Latin America through a telementoring model
  1. Melissa Varon1,
  2. Juliana Rodriguez2,
  3. Jessica Milan3,
  4. Jorge Hoegl4,
  5. Angelica Fletcher5,
  6. Karen Flores6,
  7. Cintia Sepulveda7,
  8. Olga Toema8,
  9. Lina Caicedo9,
  10. Gregg Nelson10,
  11. Santiago Scasso11,
  12. Pedro Ramirez12,
  13. Danilo Arevalo13,
  14. Mila P Salcedo1,
  15. Ellen Baker1,
  16. Kathleen M Schmeler1 and
  17. Rene Pareja14
  1. 1The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gyn Onc and Reproductive Medicine, Houston, USA
  2. 2Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Na, Bogota, Colombia
  3. 3The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gyn Onc and Rep Medicine, Houston, USA Minor Outlying Islands
  4. 4Hospital General del Este ‘Dr. Domingo Luciani’, Na, Caracas, Venezuela
  5. 5Centro de Investigaciones Oncologicas Clinica San Diego, Na, Bogota, Colombia
  6. 6Instituto Salvadoreno del Seguro Social, Na, San Salvador, El Salvador
  7. 7Instituto Nacional Cancerologia INCAN, Na, Mexico City, Mexico
  8. 8Instituto Jaliscience de Cancerologia, Na, Guadalajara, Mexico
  9. 9Clinicas Colsanitas, Cundinamarca, Bogota, Colombia
  10. 10University of Calgary, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Calgary, Canada
  11. 11Hospital Britanico, Na, Montevideo, Uruguay
  12. 12Houston Methodist Hospital, Obgyn, Houston, USA
  13. 13El Salvador, Na, San Salvador, El Salvador
  14. 14NA, Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia


Introduction Cancer rates in Latin America continue to increase significantly. There is a need for additional oncology specialists, however training and mentoring is not widely available in the region. The goal of the LAGO (Latin America Gynecologic Oncology) ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is to support Gynecologic Oncologists in Latin America through knowledge sharing and mentorship.

Methods LAGO ECHO began in 2015 and is a collaboration among Latin American clinicians with support from the IGCS and MD Anderson. It consists of monthly one-hour virtual tumor boards (in Spanish) and includes case presentations as well as didactic lectures. In 2022, a formal learning curriculum was added consisting of a series of lectures focusing on evidence-based medicine. In Jan-Feb 2023, a survey was distributed to ECHO participants to assess satisfaction and knowledge changes from participation in LAGO ECHO.

Results In 2022, 12 ECHO sessions were held with an average of 63 participants per session from 14 countries. Eleven patient cases were presented and discussed. 49 participants from 15 countries responded to the survey. 90% stated that they join to increase their knowledge on best clinical practices; 90% indicated that their knowledge improved or improved significantly; 96% agreed or totally agreed that they learned from the case presentations; and 98% thought the quality of the course was good or excellent.

Conclusion/Implications The LAGO ECHO program facilitates collaboration among Latin American Gynecologic Oncologists. This allows sharing of best practices, increases knowledge, and provides mentoring to early career specialists.

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