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#774 A case series of rare cervical cancers
  1. Bhagyalaxmi Nayak,
  2. Ranjita Pattanaik and
  3. Jita Parija
  1. AH Postgraduate Institute of Cancer, Cuttack, India


Introduction/Background Carcinoma cervix is the most common Gynecological cancer in India.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common presenting symptom .

Squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) is most common (80%) followed by adenocarcinoma (20%).

Rare types include Adeno-squamous, Neuroendocrine, clear cell, adenosarcoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, melanoma, Cervical STUMP and Metastatic carcinoma etc.

Methodology Here we present 10 rare cases of cervical cancer at our institute between 2018 to 2023.

Suspicion of rare cervical cancers can be confirmed by IHC.

Results We present here 10 cases of rare cervical cancers, two of them were clear cell carcinoma of cervix stage-2B one in an 18 years and another 22 years unmarried nulliparous female who received chemoradiation after ovarian transposition. Out of three neuroendocrine tumors of cervix, one is at stage 3C1, progressed aggressively. Planned for Chemoradion, other one is at stage IB2 underwent radical hysterectomy. The last had an adjuvant hysterectomy after concurrent chemoradiation. Adenosarcoma of cervix a 50yr postmenopausal lady underwent radical hysterectomy, was at stage 1B3.

Rest three were adenosquamous type All of them presented with postmenopausal bleeding and were in early stages, underwent Wertheim’s Hysterectomy with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection, required no adjuvant treatments.

One case carcinosarcoma of cervix was diagnosed after inappropriate hysterectomy.

Conclusion Most patients in developing countries present with advanced disease.

Effective primary HPV vaccination and secondary prevention by screening and treating precancerous lesions will prevent most cervical cancer cases.

Non-HPV-related cervical cancer still has uncertain etiopathogenesis and nonspecific clinical manifestations that delay correct diagnosis.

Early diagnosis of rare cervical cancers can give better survival.

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