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#301 Surgical treatment of the complication of wound and lymphocele after radical vulvectomy + bilateral iinguino femoral lymphadenectomy incision
  1. Kadir Güzin1,
  2. Alp Koray Kinter2,
  3. Hüseyin Hüsnü Gökaslan3 and
  4. Ahmet Çelebi2
  1. 1Hisar Hospital Intercontinental, I?stanbul, Turkey
  2. 2KSU Tip Fakültesi, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
  3. 3Academic Hospital, I?stanbul, Turkey


Introduction/Background The patient is 54 years old. Radical vulvectomy and bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy was performed because of 30X25 mm Stage II tumor on the 1/3 upper part of the right side of the vulva.

During the postoperative 2 weeks, approximately 50 cc of lymphatic fluid leakage was observed daily from the inguinofemoral incision line of the wound.

Results Since necrosis was seen on the wound edges, the wound was debrided again. The area of lymphadenectomy was cleaned with curetage, the subcutenous tissue was freed from the underlying tissues the dermal edges was brought together and closed. Bilateral closed drainage system was applied. A thromboembolic prophylaxis Enoksaparin sodium o,4 ml/day, third generation cephalosporin 2 mg/day, anti thrombotic stockings for both legs with keeping the wound clean and dry were the principal measures taken. Besides early mobilization of the patient was recomended. Approximately 10 days later, 3/0 prolene sutures were removed. The treatment was proved successful at the end of the procedure.

Conclusion In 60% of patients who underwent en bloc radical vulvectomy, a wound dehiscence occurs due to potential infection and tissue necrosis. The most common complications in the early post- operative period are thromboembolic events and lymphedema in the lower extremities.

Additionally since these patients are old in age, myocardial infarction and the risk of cerebrovascular events were highly expected. If this type of complication occurs in these patients in the wound immediate intervention with exploration and drainage may be life saving preventing infection as well.

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