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Introduction/Background Preferred treatment for ovarian cancer is a primary debulking surgery associated with surgical stress and high levels of morbidity.
Implementing the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway has shown improved postoperative outcomes. However, preoperative screening for risk factors and optimization of general health status is not widely implemented, even though they could increase postoperative reconvalescence by improving baseline health status. Patient’s compliance is critical for a successful implementation, which makes understanding their perspective valuable. We report preliminary results of patients’ perspective on prehabilitation.
Methodology As part of our ongoing clinical trial, we implement an innovative multimodal perioperative care pathway consisting of a trimodal prehabilitation in combination with the established ERAS pathway for ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary debulking surgery. The trimodal prehabilitation consists of a personalized, targeted nutrition-, physical fitness-, and mental health intervention, following a comprehensive baseline assessment. At the end of prehabilitation, before undergoing surgery, patients are asked about their perspective on prehabilitation by a closed questionnaire.
Results Data of 131 patients were available for preliminary analysis. When asked which part of prehabilitation was most supportive, 53% reported the overall package, 36% physical activity, and 12% the nutrition intervention to be most helpful. 11% felt most supported by the mental health coaching, and only 4% did not feel supported by prehabilitation. Furthermore, 40% reported feeling more physically capable after prehabilitation, vs. 56% who felt the same, and 4% felt less physically capable. Furthermore, 59% reported feeling mentally strengthened by prehabilitation, 37% reported the same level as before, and only 3% reported feeling worse.
Conclusion Preliminary results suggest that patients seem to respond well to a trimodal prehabilitation program. The overall package seems best received, followed by physical fitness and nutrition advice. A lot of patients report feeling physically more capable, as well as mentally strengthened after prehabilitation.
Disclosures KORE-INNOVATION is funded by the ‘Innovationsfonds’ of the ‘Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss’ (01NVF18021)