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#791 The need for vulvar biopsy in women with chronic itching: a single-center study
  1. Bilal Emre Erzeneoglu1,
  2. Bilal Esat Temiz2,
  3. Derman Basaran1,
  4. Hasan Volkan Ege1,
  5. Muhammet Onur Atakul1,
  6. Ömer Alp Yavuz1 and
  7. Murat Gultekin1
  1. 1Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
  2. 2Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye


Introduction/Background The primary causes of vulvar long-lasting pruritus are evaluated in order to determine its significance.

Methodology From January 2018 to December 2022, women who complained of vulvar pruritus with no lesions to Hacettepe University Hospital were included in this retrospective case series. Patients underwent vulvar colposcopy and biopsy after a preliminary evaluation. The term ’chronic vulvar pruritus’ refers to vulvar itching that lasts more than six weeks.

Results N= 207 patients underwent vulvar biopsy and 174 (84.1%) of them have long-duration pruritus. In 124 (71.2%) pathology, 53(30.5%) of them resulted as natural epidermis with no pathologic lesion. 32(18.4%) of them resulted as inflammation, 10(5.7%) of them as allergic dermatitis, 7(4%) of them lichen simplex 7(4%) of them condyloma acuminatum, 4(2.3%) of them candidiasis the rest of the 11(6.3%) was other nonspecific benign lesions. 48(27.5%) premalign lesions in total presented with chronic pruritus. 44(25.2%) of them with lichen sclerosis, 2 of them LSIL(1.1%), 1 of them VIN1(0.6%) and 1 of them resulted as VIN3(0.6%). 2(1.1%) squamous cell carcinoma presented with long-duration pruritus as malign lesions.

Conclusion There is currently no screening procedure for vulvar malignant and premalignant lesions, and vulvar pruritus can occur in both patients with benign vulvar disease and patients with premalignant lesions. Our findings highlight the significance of pathological sampling of the vulva in patients with chronic pruritus as premalignant and malignant lesions can be seen in one-third of these women.

Disclosures There is no conflict of interest in this study. No grant support is taken and all costs are covered by the authors.

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