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#199 Treatment of ovarian cancer and the lack of specialty gynaecologic oncology in our country – what does it require and with what frequency?
  1. Stefan Kovachev1,
  2. Anita Ganovska1,
  3. Gitsova Stelyana1 and
  4. Miladin Kovachev2
  1. 1Dept. of Gynecology, Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  2. 2Medical University, Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria


Introduction/Background For radical surgical treatment of advanced ovarian cancer in our country, a multidisciplinary surgical team of gynecologists and abdominal surgeons is formed, and when necessary with vascular and thoracic surgeons, urologists and etc, but only in hospitals where this is possible, because of lack of subspecialty gynecologic oncology. The aim of this study is to show the frequency of participation of a multidisciplinary surgical team in the treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma in a single gynecological center and hence the need for acceptance of the specialty gynaecologic oncology by official government health authorities.

Methodology This single-center, retrospective, survey conducted at the Department of Gynecology of the Military Medical Academy, Sofia, (2019–2022 years), included 72 (100%) patients aged 28–82 years, divided into two groups: Group I (n-42/58.3%) patients with clinical and imaging preoperative results showing the possibility of surgical cytoreduction of advanced ovarian cancer (FIGO III-IV); and Group II (control) – (n-30/41.7%) patients with early stages ovarian carcinoma (FIGO I-II), selected at random from all patients coming for surgical treatment in that period extracted from the electronic database. For all patients, the pre-post-operative and pathological results are presented at a Clinical Multidisciplinary Committee for cancer patients. All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 10.1 for windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago IL).

Abstract #199 Table 1

Statistical results for the two groups and need of a multidisciplinary surgical treatment

Results Our results show that surgical treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma, a multidisciplinary surgical team is statistically more often required (n-31/43.1%) than in early stages (n-3/4.2%).

Conclusion Surgical treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma more often requires interventions in the upper and lower abdomen affecting other abdominally located systems. In the absence of a oncological gynecologist trained in these interventions it is necessary to form a multidisciplinary surgical team for the treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma

Disclosures Authors declare no conflict of interest

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