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#975 Physical and sexual development indicators in pubertal girls born with assisted reproductive techniques
  1. Ilhama Mustafayeva
  1. Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nakhchivan State University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology I, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, In recent years, the use of assisted reproductive technologies has led to a decrease in the frequency of infertility, which is one of the urgent problems of gynecology


Methodology S. Pelkonen et al. According to (2015) studies, in children born as a result of frozen embryo transfer, the frequency of infectious and parasitic diseases of the central nervous system is 17.1%,the frequency of eye and ear diseases is 19.4%, respiratory system diseases is 23%, the frequency of birth defects and chromosomal anomalies is 9. 5%,

Results The obtained results were compared with the physiological indicators of girls born from spontaneous pregnancy at this age.

Thus, in girls born from pregnancies that occurred through reproductive technologies, an increase in hair growth during puberty, premature development of II sexual characteristics (delayed premature sexual maturity), formation of II sexual characteristics to a noticeable degree that is not appropriate for their age was observed.

Conclusion According to the purpose of the study, 16 adolescent girls born through assisted reproductive technologies were examined.

As a result of the research, it was determined that the weight of girls born in pregnancies with reproductive technology was 2,260±242,1 (1800–3100 g).

The average age of girls fluctuates between 12.0±0.45 (10–13) years old.

Clinical and functional studies were carried out in all examined girls, sexual characteristics II according to the J.Tanner scale were evaluated.

The development of mammary glands of girls with assisted reproductive technology started at the age of 6.9±0.79 years. Hair growth in the axilla and inguinal region has been noted since 6.0±1.12 years of age.

A statistically significant increase in hirsutism was observed during puberty in girls born from assisted reproductive technology pregnancies.

The obtained results were compared with the physiological indicators of the sexual maturity period of girls born from spontaneous pregnancy at the same age(Mustafayeva I.R., 2009).

Disclosures The aim of the study was to study the indicators of physical and sexual development of girls born through assisted reproductive technology.

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