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Introduction/Background Due to the rarity of cancer during pregnancy, physicians may not always be up to date with all treatment options available during pregnancy. The Advisory Board on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy (ABCIP) was established to help physicians make decisions about the optimal cancer treatment for their pregnant patients.
Methodology The ABCIP is a collaboration of different national and regional advisory boards that work independently on the platform and discuss incoming advice requests from their region or country within their own board. Physicians treating a patient with a cancer diagnosis during pregnancy or a patient with a fertility preservation question can register their cases anonymously and free of charge on the ABCIP platform ( by completing a form. The case will then be distributed to the specific advisory board for discussion on a secured forum. All expert opinions and known literature are gathered and the board composes a letter of recommendation including rationale and relevant references. This advice is sent back to the requesting physician within 4–7 days of submission of the request. Six months after the request is submitted, the requesting physician is asked for follow-up information on the case.
Results Up to May 2023, the ABCIP discussed 167 cases from physicians in 31 different countries regarding cancer during pregnancy, postpartum cancer diagnosis, or questions regarding women with a history of cancer and a desire to become pregnant (see figure 1). Follow-up information was collected on 24 cases.
Conclusion The ABCIP provides easily accessible, free advice to physicians with questions about their pregnant cancer patients or cancer patients who wish to become pregnant in the future. We show that the ABCIP is frequently consulted and that its recommendations are used in daily practice by most of the physicians who use the ABCIP.
Disclosures All authors declare no conflicts of interest.