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#1019 Cervical cancer in young women: epidemiological features, therapeutic characteristics and prognosis
  1. Ons Kaabia,
  2. Rim Bouchahda and
  3. Abdelkader Bel Kahla
  1. Université de Sousse, Faculté de M2deciend e Sousse, Service de gynécologie obstétrique, CHU Farhat hached, Sousse, Tunisia


Introduction/Background In low income countries and in the absence of national preventive programs (generalized HPV vaccination and population screening), most cases of cervical cancer are locally advanced with a high mortality and morbidity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the epidemic profile and the prognosis of cervical cancer in women ≤40 in Tunisia

Methodology It is a retrospective mono-centric study from January 2010 to January 2021. We evaluated the clinical history, treatment, and follow-up of all women ≤40 years of age diagnosed with cervical cancer, from a global cohort of 493 patients diagnosed in our center with cervical cancer during the same period.

Results We included 29 patients. The prevalence of cervical cancer among women ≤40 is 5.88%. The mean age was 34,7 ±4,7 years. Ten patients (43.4%) did not attend high school. Fifteen (65.2%) were unemployed. Nineteen (82.6%) were married of whom 4 were nulliparous. The mean age of first sexual intercourse was 21.5 years [20–26]. The diagnosis of cervical carcinoma was made on screening pap smear in 14 cases (60.8%). The average tumor size was 45 mm (± 18.7), while on MRI average tumor size was 56.75 mm (± 18.4).According to the FIGO classification: 30.4% had non-invasive cancer and 18.6% had stage I. Nine patients had a hysterectomy (5 initially and 4 after concomittant chemoradiation). After a 5 year follow up 21.7% of women died of cervical cancer.

Conclusion Cervical cancer is a rare entity in woman ≤40. Locally advanced stage disease is prevalent with a poor prognosis at 5 years.

Disclosures Nothing to declare

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