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2022-LBA-414-ESGO Preliminary clinical outcome of ADP-A2M4CD8, a next-generation autologous T-cell receptor T-cell therapy, in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer
  1. Kathleen Moore1,
  2. Adam Asch1,
  3. Victor Moreno2,
  4. Emiliano Calvo3,
  5. Marcus Butler4,
  6. Jon Zugazagoitia5,
  7. David Hong6,
  8. Ahmed Galal7,
  9. Lorena Ostios2,
  10. Maria de Miguel3,
  11. Quan Lin8,
  12. Thejo Annareddy8,
  13. Francine Brophy8,
  14. Marisa Rosenberg8,
  15. Theresa Seiders8,
  16. Revashnee Naidoo9,
  17. Natalie Bath9,
  18. Jose Saro9,
  19. Elliot Norry8 and
  20. Jeffrey Clarke7
  1. 1OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma City, OK
  2. 2START Madrid-FJD, Madrid, Spain
  3. 3START Madrid-CIOCC, Madrid, Spain
  4. 4Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
  5. 5Hopital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain
  6. 6MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
  7. 7Duke Cancer Center, Durham, NC
  8. 8Adaptimmune, Philadelphia, PA
  9. 9Adaptimmune, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK


Introduction ADP-A2M4CD8, a next-generation specific peptide enhanced affinity receptor (SPEAR) T-cell therapy supplemented with a CD8α co-receptor, is being evaluated in the Phase 1 SURPASS trial (NCT04044859) in multiple solid tumours, including ovarian cancer. Promising anti-tumour activity, including a 36% overall response rate (1 complete response [CR], 7 partial responses [PR] in 22 evaluable patients; 2 August 2021 data cut-off) and a favourable benefit to risk profile were reported.1 We report preliminary anti-tumour activity in ovarian cancer and updated safety in all tumours.

Methods SURPASS is a first-in-human trial evaluating ADP-A2M4CD8 using a modified 3+3 design, with 2 dose cohorts and an expansion cohort.1 T-cells are collected by leukapheresis, transduced, and infused into the patient after lymphodepletion. Eligible patients express human leukocyte antigen A*02 with melanoma-associated antigen (MAGE)-A4-positive tumours. Patients with ovarian cancer must have received platinum-based chemotherapy and progressed ≤12 months post platinum therapy.

Results As of 1 August 2022, 14 patients with ovarian cancer had received 1.14–9.95×109 transduced T-cells. Median age was 59 years (range, 40–75); median number of prior systemic therapy regimens was 4 (range, 2–8); median MAGE-A4 expression H-score was 237.5 (range, 95–300). Adverse events in the overall population were consistent with lymphodepletion chemotherapy or cellular therapy; similar safety results were seen in the ovarian cancer subgroup (table 1). There was 1 Grade 5 cytokine release syndrome. Best overall responses were 1 CR, 4 PR, 6 stable disease (SD), 2 progressive disease and 1 not evaluable, giving a 36% overall response rate and a 79% disease control rate (CR+PR+SD, figure 1).

Abstract 2022-LBA-414-ESGO Table 1

Adverse event (AE) summary

Abstract 2022-LBA-414-ESGO Figure 1

Conclusions ADP-A2M4CD8 SPEAR T-cell therapy showed preliminary anti-tumour activity in heavily pre-treated patients with MAGE-A4+ advanced ovarian cancer, with tolerable emerging safety results. The trial now includes an anti-programmed death-ligand 1 combination treatment cohort. 1. Hong DS, et al. Ann Oncol. 2021;32(suppl5):540P.

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